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Privacy policy

  1. Basic provisions of the privacy policy
  2. Prohibition of registration on the website
  3. The basic rights of the User
  4. Grounds for processing of personal data
  5. Methods of storing user data and security
  6. Internet browser cookies
  7. Amendment of the Privacy Policy
  8. Legal consequences of accepting the Privacy Policy document.

Key conceptions

User shall mean a natural or legal person who has used, is using or may use the services provided by the Company, or has contacted the Company for the purpose of using these services.
Personal Data shall mean any information regarding the Client that allows or may allow the direct or indirect identification of the person.
Processing of Personal Data shall mean any action or set of actions, regardless of the manner and method of implementation (including automated, with or without the use of technical means), related to the collection, or assignment, or entry, or systematization, or organization, or storage, or use, or transformation, or recovery, or transfer, or correction, or blocking, or destruction, or performance of other actions with the Personal Data.
Use of Personal Data shall mean an action the direct or indirect purpose of which is to make decisions or form opinions, or to acquire rights, or to grant rights or benefits, or to restrict or deprive rights, or to fulfill another purpose that causes or may cause legal consequences for the data subject or third parties, or otherwise relating to their rights and freedoms.
Authorized Person shall mean a legal or natural person, a state or local self-government body, a public or community institution or organization commissioned by the Company to collect, enter, systematize or otherwise process the personal data in cases provided for by law or on the basis of a contract.

1. Basic provisions of the privacy policy

1.1. This “Privacy Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the Privacy Policy) is a precondition for the use of the telcell.market website, derived electronic platforms (applications), i.e. any user of the website gives his/her consent to the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC to use and process the User's personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Protection of the Personal Data”

1.2. This Privacy Policy sets forth the rights and obligations of the User arising from the use of services provided on the telcell.market website.

1.3. If the User does not agree with these terms and conditions, he/she has no right to use the services provided on this website.

1.4. By continuing to use the services provided on this website, the User consents to the processing of his/her personal data, including making requests for personal data, as well as the use and transfer thereof in the manner prescribed by law.

1.5. Personal information is collected (obtained) only when the User provides it to the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC. During registration the User shall provide his/her name, surname, phone number, postal address, e-mail address and other necessary contact information upon request. If the User is registered as a legal entity, the User shall provide the public service number of the person represented in the extract issued by the state register of legal entities as

1.6. The User has the opportunity to open a current account in his/her name on the electronic trading platforms (applications) operated by the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC; once opened, the account shall be at the User's disposal and managed by the User.

The “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC shall use the User's personal data for the following purposes:

  • To provide and retain services;
  • To notify about changes in services;
  • To ensure the normal process of online trading;
  • To ensure compliance with legal obligations;
  • To provide the user support, and data protection;
  • In order to improve services, in particular to analyze, collect valuable information, identify, prevent and solve technical issues, introduce news and special offers and provide general information about other services and events;
  • To regulate the User's account (My Office) and to modify the services according to the preferences;
  • To prevent and protect against the inappropriate use of the site;
  • To implement the Terms and Conditions .

2. Prohibition of registration on the website

The “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC does not allow persons under 18 years of age to register on the telcell.market for the purpose of using its services. The “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC is practically unable to verify the accuracy of the information entered by the users of the site, therefore it is not responsible for the consequences of the use of the site by persons under 18 years of age.

3. The basic rights of the User

  • Revocation of the consent given earlier, whereby the Tel-Cell Market CJSC ceases to provide services to the User;
  • Logging in to his/her personal account (My Office) processed by the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC, requesting correction of personal data if it is incorrect or outdated;
  • Request to delete any personal data concerning the User, unless otherwise provided for by the applicable law.

Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website. For more information about his/her rights the User can contact [email protected] , and for exercising his/her rights, the User may contact [email protected] .

3.1. The “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC periodically reviews the retention period of personal data in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation of the Republic of Armenia and the Company's policy.

4. Grounds for processing of personal data

4.1. The User's personal data shall be processed on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, including the Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Protection of the Personal Data” , the Public Offer, “Privacy Policy” , and the “General Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website” .

4.2. By accessing or using the site, the User accepts that all issues related to visiting and using the site are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia. In case of disputes, they shall be regulated via negotiations between the parties. In case no agreement is reached, disputes shall be settled according to the procedure stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

5. Methods of storing user data and security

5.1. The “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC undertakes and takes necessary and appropriate electronic, physical and other protective measures to ensure security against unauthorized access, collection and use of the User‘s personal information. The “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC employs security-compliant up-to-date electronic protocols aimed at ensuring the security of the User‘s personal data. These protocols are encoded and stored exclusively on the servers of the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC.

6. Internet browser cookies

6.1. The “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC uses cookies to improve websites and mobile applications. The cookies are small files consisting of a series of letters and numbers stored on the User's device when visiting websites/Mobile applications. They enable the owner of the website or Mobile application to distinguish this User from other users of the website/Mobile application. The cookies cannot be used as a password or used to transfer viruses, nor can they enable the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC to access the User's hard disk, and the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC cannot access any information stored on the User's hard disk.

1) If the User does not wish to receive cookies when visiting the website/Mobile applications, the User can change the settings of his/her browser and/or mobile device by restricting or blocking cookies.

Cookie data on the Company's websites and/or Mobile Applications may be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Enabling Users to securely log in and move around, and use the allowable services on the website or Mobile Application;
  • Provide the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC with information about the User's preferences based on their previous or current activities on the websites and/or Mobile applications of the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC, which makes it possible to improve the quality of services provided;
  • Allow storing information provided by Users (e.g. name, language or country of residence), which enhances the capabilities of certain features, making them more personalized.

7. Amendment of the Privacy Policy

7.1. Tel-Cell Market CJSC has the right to amend this Privacy Policy. In case of any amendment to this Privacy Policy, the User shall be informed of the amendment at the e-mail address provided by the User. If after any amendment to this Privacy Policy the User continues to use the Website, such amendments shall be deemed accepted by the User.

Data deletion policy. The User has the right to request the deletion of his/her personal data by sending a corresponding application to the e-mail address [email protected], enclosing his/her ID documents.

8. Legal consequences of accepting the Privacy Policy document.

Acceptance of this Privacy Policy document means that Personal Data transmitted or otherwise provided by the User in connection with the Services will be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy. The User hereby agrees that his/her personal data, in particular, name, surname, patronymic, type of identity document, division that provided the document, availability of a public service number, public service number, citizenship, passport issue date, passport validity period, residence code in the Republic of Armenia, name of the legal entity, TIN, business address, name, surname and patronymic of the director will be processed by the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC, implying any action or set of actions, regardless of the manner and method of implementation (including automated, with or without the use of technical means), related to the collection, or assignment, or entry, or systematization, or organization, or storage, or use, or transformation, or recovery, or transfer, or correction, or blocking, or destruction, or performance of other actions with Personal Data. The User hereby gives his/her consent to the “Tel-Cell Market” CJSC to transfer his/her personal data to the Authorized persons for the purpose of providing services to the User.

The Armenian translation shall prevail in the event of any inconsistencies or discrepancies among the Armenian, Russian, and English translations of the text.
